Quick Quote 2018-01-12T23:02:06-06:00

Please complete the form, we will email you a quote. The quote will be based of the information provided, so please provide any necessary details.

If you are a dealership, body shop, wholesale lot, rental car agency, or Auction and have an abundance of vehicles to be repaired or looked over, Please Call Steven @ 512-968-2318 to schedule a meeting.

    • *Required Fields

      Customer Information

      • *Name




      • *Zip



    • Your Vehicle Information

      • *Year



    • How did your dent occur?

      Mother Nature i.e hail damage, tree branchCar DoorBaseballFlying Object
      Other (Please Describe)

      Number of dents to be repaired?

      • Please Check the panel location(s)

        (Select all that apply)


      • Where is the dent located on the panel?

        In the middle of the panelClose to the edgeOn the body lineOn the wheel well

        Does your dent have paint damage?

        Paint is crackedPaint is chippedPaint transfer from another objectNo paint damage

    • Upload a photo

      (click for a larger thumbnail view)
      Car Photo Angle

      Please remember this information is a guideline for an approximate estimate.

    • Note: Upload up to 3 photos. Each photo must be less than 3MB

      Is there any other information that you can provide about your vehicle and the damage it has encountered?